// Name: AreaChart.AreaChart.debug.js // Assembly: AjaxControlToolkit // Version: // FileVersion: Type.registerNamespace("Sys.Extended.UI"); Sys.Extended.UI.AreaChart = function (element) { Sys.Extended.UI.AreaChart.initializeBase(this, [element]); var id = this.get_id(); id = id.replace("_ctl00", ""); this._parentDiv = document.getElementById(id + "__ParentDiv"); this._chartWidth = '300'; this._chartHeight = '300'; this._chartTitle = ''; this._categoriesAxis = ''; this._series = null; this._chartType = Sys.Extended.UI.AreaChartType.Basic; this._theme = 'AreaChart'; this._valueAxisLines = 9; this._chartTitleColor = ''; this._valueAxisLineColor = ''; this._categoryAxisLineColor = ''; this._baseLineColor = ''; this.yMax = 0; this.yMin = 0; this.roundedTickRange = 0; this.startX = 0; this.startY = 0; this.endX = 0; this.endY = 0; this.xInterval = 0; this.yInterval = 0; this.arrXAxis; this.arrXAxisLength = 0; this.charLength = 3.5; this.arrCombinedData = null; } Sys.Extended.UI.AreaChart.prototype = { initialize: function () { Sys.Extended.UI.AreaChart.callBaseMethod(this, "initialize"); if (!document.implementation.hasFeature("http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Image", "1.1")) { throw 'Current version of browser does not support SVG.' } if (this._valueAxisLines == 0) { this._valueAxisLines = 9; } this.generateAreaChart(); }, dispose: function () { Sys.Extended.UI.AreaChart.callBaseMethod(this, "dispose"); }, generateAreaChart: function () { this.arrXAxis = this._categoriesAxis.split(','); this.arrXAxisLength = this.arrXAxis.length; this.calculateMinMaxValues(); this.calculateInterval(); this.calculateValueAxis(); var svgContents = this.initializeSVG(); svgContents = svgContents + String.format('{2}', parseInt(this._chartWidth) / 2 - (this._chartTitle.length * this.charLength), parseInt(this._chartHeight) * 5 / 100, this._chartTitle, this._chartTitleColor); svgContents = svgContents + this.drawBackgroundHorizontalLines(); svgContents = svgContents + this.drawBackgroundVerticalLines(); svgContents = svgContents + this.drawBaseLines(); svgContents = svgContents + this.drawLegendArea(); svgContents = svgContents + this.drawAxisValues(); this._parentDiv.innerHTML = svgContents; this.drawAreas(); }, calculateInterval: function () { this.startX = (this._chartWidth * 10 / 100) + 0.5; this.endX = parseInt(this._chartWidth) - 4.5; if (this.yMin >= 0) this.startY = Math.round(parseInt(this._chartHeight) - (parseInt(this._chartHeight) * 24 / 100)) + 0.5; else this.startY = Math.round(parseInt(this._chartHeight) - (parseInt(this._chartHeight) * 12 / 100)) / 2 + 0.5; this.yInterval = this.startY / (this._valueAxisLines + 1); }, calculateMinMaxValues: function () { var seriesMax; var seriesMin; var arrData; if (this._chartType == Sys.Extended.UI.AreaChartType.Basic) { for (var i = 0; i < this._series.length; i++) { arrData = this._series[i].Data; seriesMax = Math.max.apply(null, arrData); seriesMin = Math.min.apply(null, arrData); if (i == 0) { this.yMax = seriesMax; this.yMin = seriesMin; } else { if (seriesMax > this.yMax) this.yMax = seriesMax; if (seriesMin < this.yMin) this.yMin = seriesMin; } } } else { for (var i = 0; i < this._series.length; i++) { arrData = new Array(); for (var j = 0; j < this._series[i].Data.length; j++) { arrData[j] = this._series[i].Data[j]; } if (this.arrCombinedData == null) this.arrCombinedData = arrData; else { for (j = 0; j < arrData.length; j++) { this.arrCombinedData[j] = parseFloat(this.arrCombinedData[j]) + parseFloat(arrData[j]); } } } for (var i = 0; i < this._series.length; i++) { seriesMin = Math.min.apply(null, this._series[i].Data); if (i == 0) { this.yMin = seriesMin; } else { if (seriesMin < this.yMin) this.yMin = seriesMin; } } this.yMax = Math.max.apply(null, this.arrCombinedData); } if (this.yMin < 0) { this._valueAxisLines = Math.round(this._valueAxisLines / 2); } }, calculateValueAxis: function () { var range; var unroundedTickSize; var x; var pow10x; if (this.yMin >= 0) { range = this.yMax; } else { range = this.yMax > Math.abs(this.yMin) ? this.yMax : Math.abs(this.yMin); } unroundedTickSize = range / (this._valueAxisLines - 1); if (unroundedTickSize < 1) { this.roundedTickRange = unroundedTickSize.toFixed(1); } else { x = Math.ceil((Math.log(unroundedTickSize) / Math.log(10)) - 1); pow10x = Math.pow(10, x); this.roundedTickRange = Math.ceil(unroundedTickSize / pow10x) * pow10x; } this.startX = this.startX + (this.roundedTickRange * 10 * this._valueAxisLines / 10).toString().length * this.charLength; }, drawBackgroundHorizontalLines: function () { var horizontalLineContents = ''; for (var i = 1; i <= this._valueAxisLines; i++) { horizontalLineContents = horizontalLineContents + String.format('', this.startX, this.endX, this.startY - (this.yInterval * i), this._categoryAxisLineColor); } if (this.yMin < 0) { for (var i = 1; i <= this._valueAxisLines; i++) { horizontalLineContents = horizontalLineContents + String.format('', this.startX, this.endX, this.startY + (this.yInterval * i), this._categoryAxisLineColor); } } return horizontalLineContents; }, drawBackgroundVerticalLines: function () { var verticalLineContents = ''; this.xInterval = Math.round((parseInt(this._chartWidth) - this.startX) / this.arrXAxisLength); for (var i = 0; i < this.arrXAxisLength; i++) { verticalLineContents = verticalLineContents + String.format('', ((parseInt(this._chartWidth) - 5) - (this.xInterval * i)), (this.startY - (this.yInterval * this._valueAxisLines)), this.startY, this._valueAxisLineColor); } if (this.yMin < 0) { for (var i = 0; i < this.arrXAxisLength; i++) { verticalLineContents = verticalLineContents + String.format('', ((parseInt(this._chartWidth) - 5) - (this.xInterval * i)), (this.startY + (this.yInterval * this._valueAxisLines)), this.startY, this._valueAxisLineColor); } } return verticalLineContents; }, drawBaseLines: function () { var baseLineContents = ''; baseLineContents = baseLineContents + String.format('', this.startX, this.startY, this.endX, this._baseLineColor); baseLineContents = baseLineContents + String.format('', this.startX, (this.startY - (this.yInterval * this._valueAxisLines)), this.startY, this._baseLineColor); baseLineContents = baseLineContents + String.format('', this.startX, this.startY, this.startY + 4, this._baseLineColor); for (var i = 0; i < this.arrXAxisLength; i++) { baseLineContents = baseLineContents + String.format('', ((parseInt(this._chartWidth) - 5) - (this.xInterval * i)), this.startY, this.startY + 4, this._baseLineColor); } for (var i = 0; i <= this._valueAxisLines; i++) { baseLineContents = baseLineContents + String.format('', this.startX - 4, this.startX, this.startY - (this.yInterval * i), this._baseLineColor); } if (this.yMin < 0) { baseLineContents = baseLineContents + String.format('', this.startX, (this.startY + (this.yInterval * this._valueAxisLines)), this.startY, this._baseLineColor); for (var i = 1; i <= this._valueAxisLines; i++) { baseLineContents = baseLineContents + String.format('', this.startX - 4, this.startX, this.startY + (this.yInterval * i), this._baseLineColor); } } return baseLineContents; }, drawLegendArea: function () { var legendContents = ''; var legendAreaStartHeight = (parseInt(this._chartHeight) * 82 / 100) + 5; var legendBoxWidth = 7.5; var legendBoxHeight = 7.5; var spaceInLegendContents = 5; var legendCharLength = 0; for (var i = 0; i < this._series.length; i++) { legendCharLength = legendCharLength + this._series[i].Name.length; } var legendAreaWidth = Math.round((legendCharLength * 5) / 2) + Math.round((legendBoxWidth + (spaceInLegendContents * 2)) * this._series.length); var isLegendNextLine = false; if (legendAreaWidth > parseInt(this._chartWidth) / 2) { legendAreaWidth = legendAreaWidth / 2; isLegendNextLine = true; } legendContents = legendContents + ''; legendContents = legendContents + String.format('', parseInt(this._chartWidth) * 50 / 100 - (legendAreaWidth / 2), legendAreaStartHeight, Math.round(parseInt(this._chartWidth) * 50 / 100 + (legendCharLength * 5)) + Math.round((legendBoxWidth + (spaceInLegendContents * 2)) * this._series.length), Math.round(parseInt(this._chartHeight) * 97.5 / 100)); var startText = parseInt(this._chartWidth) * 40 / 100 - (legendAreaWidth / 2) + legendBoxWidth + spaceInLegendContents; var nextStartText = startText; var startLegend = parseInt(this._chartWidth) * 40 / 100 - (legendAreaWidth / 2); var nextStartLegend = startLegend; for (var i = 0; i < this._series.length; i++) { if (isLegendNextLine && i == Math.round(this._series.length / 2)) { startText = parseInt(this._chartWidth) * 40 / 100 - (legendAreaWidth / 2) + legendBoxWidth + spaceInLegendContents; nextStartText = startText; startLegend = parseInt(this._chartWidth) * 40 / 100 - (legendAreaWidth / 2); nextStartLegend = startLegend; legendAreaStartHeight = (parseInt(this._chartHeight) * 89 / 100) + 5; isLegendNextLine = false; } startLegend = nextStartLegend; startText = nextStartText; legendContents = legendContents + String.format('', startLegend, legendAreaStartHeight + legendBoxHeight, startLegend + legendBoxWidth, legendAreaStartHeight + 15, i + 1, this._series[i].AreaColor); legendContents = legendContents + String.format('{2}', startText, legendAreaStartHeight + 15, this._series[i].Name); if (this._series[i].Name.length > 10) { nextStartLegend = startLegend + (this._series[i].Name.length * 5) + legendBoxWidth + (spaceInLegendContents * 2); nextStartText = startText + (this._series[i].Name.length * 5) + legendBoxWidth + (spaceInLegendContents * 2); } else { nextStartLegend = nextStartLegend + (this._series[i].Name.length * 6) + legendBoxWidth + (spaceInLegendContents * 2); nextStartText = nextStartText + (this._series[i].Name.length * 6) + legendBoxWidth + (spaceInLegendContents * 2); } } legendContents = legendContents + ''; return legendContents; }, drawAxisValues: function () { var axisContents = ''; var textLength = 0; for (var i = 0; i < this.arrXAxisLength; i++) { textLength = (this.arrXAxis[i].toString().length * 10 * i / 10).toString().length * 5.5; axisContents = axisContents + String.format('{2}', Math.round(this.startX + (this.xInterval * 10 * i / 10) + (this.xInterval * 50 / 100) - textLength), this.startY + Math.round(this.yInterval * 65 / 100), this.arrXAxis[i]); } for (var i = 0; i <= this._valueAxisLines; i++) { textLength = (this.roundedTickRange * 10 * i / 10).toString().length * 5.5; axisContents = axisContents + String.format('{2}', this.startX - textLength -15, this.startY - (this.yInterval * 10 * i / 10) + 3.5, this.roundedTickRange * 10 * i / 10); } if (this.yMin < 0) { for (var i = 1; i <= this._valueAxisLines; i++) { textLength = (this.roundedTickRange * 10 * i / 10).toString().length * 5.5; axisContents = axisContents + String.format('-{2}', this.startX - textLength - 19, this.startY + (this.yInterval * 10 * i / 10), this.roundedTickRange * 10 * i / 10); } } return axisContents; }, initializeSVG: function () { var svgContents = String.format('', this._theme); svgContents = svgContents + String.format('', this._chartWidth, this._chartHeight); svgContents = svgContents + ''; svgContents = svgContents + ''; svgContents = svgContents + ''; svgContents = svgContents + ''; svgContents = svgContents + ''; svgContents = svgContents + ''; svgContents = svgContents + String.format('', parseInt(this._chartHeight) * 1 / 10 + 5, parseInt(this._chartWidth) - 5, parseInt(this._chartHeight) - parseInt(this._chartHeight) * 1 / 10); svgContents = svgContents + String.format('', this._chartWidth, this._chartHeight); svgContents = svgContents + String.format('', parseInt(this._chartHeight) * 1 / 10 + 5, parseInt(this._chartWidth) - 5, parseInt(this._chartHeight) - parseInt(this._chartHeight) * 1 / 10); return svgContents; }, drawAreas: function () { var areaContents = ''; var yVal = new Array(); var lastStartX = new Array(); var lastStartY = new Array(); var areaPath = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < this.arrXAxisLength; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < this._series.length; j++) { yVal[j] = 0; if (this._chartType == Sys.Extended.UI.AreaChartType.Stacked) { for (var k = 0; k <= j; k++) { yVal[j] = parseFloat(yVal[j]) + parseFloat(this._series[k].Data[i]); } } else { yVal[j] = parseFloat(this._series[j].Data[i]); } if (i == 0) { areaPath[j] = String.format('{0} {1} {0} {2} ', this.startX + (this.xInterval / 2), this.startY, this.startY - Math.round(yVal[j] * (this.yInterval / this.roundedTickRange))); } else if (i == this.arrXAxisLength - 1) { areaPath[j] = areaPath[j] + String.format('{0} {1} {2} {3} {2} {4} ', lastStartX[j], lastStartY[j], this.startX + (this.xInterval * i) + (this.xInterval / 2), this.startY - Math.round(yVal[j] * (this.yInterval / this.roundedTickRange)), this.startY); } else { areaPath[j] = areaPath[j] + String.format('{0} {1} ', this.startX + (this.xInterval * i) + (this.xInterval / 2), this.startY - Math.round(yVal[j] * (this.yInterval / this.roundedTickRange))); } if (yVal[j] > 0) areaContents = areaContents + String.format('{2}', this.startX + (this.xInterval * i) + (this.xInterval * 50 / 100) - yVal[j].toString().length * this.charLength, this.startY - Math.round(yVal[j] * (this.yInterval / this.roundedTickRange)) - 7.5, yVal[j]); else areaContents = areaContents + String.format('{2}', this.startX + (this.xInterval * i) + (this.xInterval * 50 / 100) - yVal[j].toString().length * this.charLength, this.startY - Math.round(yVal[j] * (this.yInterval / this.roundedTickRange)) + 7.5, yVal[j]); lastStartX[j] = this.startX + (this.xInterval * i) + (this.xInterval / 2); lastStartY[j] = this.startY - Math.round(yVal[j] * (this.yInterval / this.roundedTickRange)); } } this._parentDiv.innerHTML = this._parentDiv.innerHTML + areaContents; var svgContentsBeforeAnimation = this._parentDiv.innerHTML; this.drawArea(this, areaPath, 0); }, drawArea: function (me, areaPath, seriesIndex) { me._parentDiv.innerHTML = me._parentDiv.innerHTML.replace('', '') + String.format('', areaPath[seriesIndex], seriesIndex + 1, me._series[seriesIndex].AreaColor); seriesIndex++; if (seriesIndex < me._series.length) { setTimeout(function () { me.drawArea(me, areaPath, seriesIndex); }, 400); } }, get_chartWidth: function () { return this._chartWidth; }, set_chartWidth: function (value) { this._chartWidth = value; }, get_chartHeight: function () { return this._chartHeight; }, set_chartHeight: function (value) { this._chartHeight = value; }, get_chartTitle: function () { return this._chartTitle; }, set_chartTitle: function (value) { this._chartTitle = value; }, get_categoriesAxis: function () { return this._categoriesAxis; }, set_categoriesAxis: function (value) { this._categoriesAxis = value; }, get_ClientSeries: function () { return this._series; }, set_ClientSeries: function (value) { this._series = value; }, get_chartType: function () { return this._chartType; }, set_chartType: function (value) { this._chartType = value; }, get_theme: function () { return this._theme; }, set_theme: function (value) { this._theme = value; }, get_valueAxisLines: function () { return this._valueAxisLines; }, set_valueAxisLines: function (value) { this._valueAxisLines = value; }, get_chartTitleColor: function () { return this._chartTitleColor; }, set_chartTitleColor: function (value) { this._chartTitleColor = value; }, get_valueAxisLineColor: function () { return this._valueAxisLineColor; }, set_valueAxisLineColor: function (value) { this._valueAxisLineColor = value; }, get_categoryAxisLineColor: function () { return this._categoryAxisLineColor; }, set_categoryAxisLineColor: function (value) { this._categoryAxisLineColor = value; }, get_baseLineColor: function () { return this._baseLineColor; }, set_baseLineColor: function (value) { this._baseLineColor = value; } }; Sys.Extended.UI.AreaChart.registerClass("Sys.Extended.UI.AreaChart", Sys.Extended.UI.ControlBase); Sys.registerComponent(Sys.Extended.UI.AreaChart, { name: 'AreaChart', parameters: [{ name: 'ClientSeries', type: 'AreaChartSeries[]'}] }); Sys.Extended.UI.AreaChartType = function () { /// /// Type of Area Chart /// /// /// throw Error.invalidOperation(); } Sys.Extended.UI.AreaChartType.prototype = { Basic: 0, Stacked: 1 } Sys.Extended.UI.AreaChartType.registerEnum("Sys.Extended.UI.AreaChartType", false);